
Resolved Question: How to change Wordpress MySQL database setup from auto to manual on Blog Colony?

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I mistakenly chose the automatic setup option for the Wordpress MySQL database setup when I added a blog at Blog Colony. How will I change it to manual so I could use the MySQL database from my host? I tried editing the wp-config.php file, but the blog contents are not showing up so I restored the original wp-config.php file. Help urgently needed pls. Thanks!


Resolved Question: Obama admin. lies, media concocted propaganda, or change?

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what do you think,....sources contained in the link below

Civil Rights
Jan. 29 2009 – Obama signs the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Reducing discrimination based on gender, age, religion, or race. (source)

Feb. 21 2009 – Obama signs a mercury reduction pact with 140 other nations. The policy reverses roles with George Bush and sets mandatory requirements by the United States. (source)

Mar. 30 2009 – Obama signs the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009, which serves to protect two million acres of land and creates a new system of land conservation for the Bureau of Land Management. (source)

May 19 2009 – Obama teams up with the auto industry to raise the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards to an average of 35.5 mpg by 2016. The program is reported to save up to 1.8 billion barrels of oil or 900 million tons of greenhouse gases. (source)

Foreign Policy

April 2 2009 – Obama helps form a compromise between Presidents of France (Sarkozy) and China (Jintao) over making tax havens more transparent. The two Presidents were in a “heated” argument previous to Obama’s intervention. (source)

Government Reform
Jan. 27 2009 – Administration tells Citigroup bank it is “unacceptable” to pay for a $42 million dollar luxury jet when they have received $45 billion in bailouts from taxpayers. (source)

Feb. 19 2009 – Bans the exception of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars from accounting the deficit. This results in a 2.5 trillion dollar increase in calculated deficit to the United States. (source)

Feb. 23 2009 – Announces Earl Devaney to oversee the oversight of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Mr. Devaney worked as a Secret Service agent who exposed lobbyist corruption in the Department of the Interior. (source)

Mar. 9 2009 – Lifts ban on embryonic stem cell research. A major move in changing the politics of research and science in the United States. (source)

May 22, 2009 – Creates a credit card bill of rights. Limits unwarranted spending and gives consumers more options to pay their bills on time. It has been debated if this will negatively affect the industry. (source)

May 22, 2009 – Tries to curb wasteful spending by the Pentagon on the defense budget by signing the Weapons System Acquisition Reform Act. Intended to price contracts and budgets lower; may potentially save billions of dollars in defense. (source)

June 22, 2009 – Allows the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to have authority over the tobacco industry. (source)


Jan. 23 2009 – Obama orders the close of Guantanamo Bay facility (source)


Resolved Question: Por que en mi blog no salen los cuadros para dejar comentarios?

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Resolved Question: I have a problem with my wordpress? plz plz help me?

0 评论

ok every one know about the 2.8 update on wordpress right
but i cant update to it i dont even know what version i have i know you can check the version from the dashboard but every time i look in the dashboard it dosnt tell me also the only way i can upgrade is auto upgrade and i cant because on my dashboard it doesnt say upgrade to 2.8 and i cant upgrade the other way cuse i dont have the money nor time to and yes i know i have a version less then 2.8 because i do not have the plugins tab on my dashboard please someone help me

my blog is

please help find a way to update


Resolved Question: SEO: I have a WP blog and want to build a lot of content using an e-bay/amazon autoposter. Good or Bad?

0 评论

1. I read that building a lot of content is important to having a high page ranking etc. and affiliating myself with keyword themes. So I used this plugin to gather many books/book descriptions from amazon and e-bay items related to (travel, anthropology, china). I don't have these post to the main page but in categories. Most of my outbound links are to e-bay or amazon.

2. I do heavy linking and interlinking with in the articles also (good or bad?).

3. I use a plugin that auto post's my article titles as the link and it tends to be quite long some times but hits a lot of keywords, good or bad? Ex. www. blah. blah/ seo-works-or-not-for-my-stupid-wordpress-blog-please-read-now-do-it-nice-shoes


Voting Question: DIV/iFrame Background?

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I have a iFrame code. Which is...

whatever you want???

whatever you want???

whatever you want???

whatever you want???

I want the box called "scroll 3" to have a background, and only that one. Is there a way to give it a background? A code? Please answer in detail and what I should do. Thanks.



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