
5 Reasons Why Internet Marketers Fail

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An internet business is not fool proof. Just because you create a website does not mean that it will ever make you money. In fact, everyday many people fail to earn money online and this is due to a variety of reasons. Some of the most common are that people do not have any type of plan or have a plan and refuse to work it. Working only when one feels like it, giving up easily and not tracking one’s marketing and advertising efforts are other ways to increase the likelihood that a person will fail online.

Here are 5 reasons why Internet marketers fail:

a. They Don’t Have a Plan: Many of the same actions that are required to be a success offline apply to the online business world as well. Just as it is important to have a marketing and business plan for a brick and mortar business, the same is true for an internet marketing business. You need to have a plan. It will keep you focused and provide direction for your efforts. If you do not have a plan and have no idea what you are going to be doing from day to day, then you will likely be in trouble.

b. They Don’t Work That Plan: It is one thing to have a plan. It is another thing to take action. If you are a planner and not a doer, then you will fail. It is very easy and even quite fun to come up with plans. However, if you never give them any feet, then you are wasting your time and brain power. Instead, commit to putting your plan into action everyday. Don’t let fear or laziness curtail your dreams. You will regret it later on.

c. They Work Only When They Feel Like It: There is some dirty myth that if you work online, you can work whenever you want to and can skip out on working whenever you don’t feel like it. While this is true, it doesn’t mean that you will make money if you run your business this way. The same holds true offline. Sure, you can go to work when you want and play hookie if you feel like it but the result will likely be the loss of your job and income. This true even if you work online. You don’t have to work, but in most cases you won’t make any money.

d. They Give Up Easily: The business world is not for quitters. I believe many people give up on their internet businesses so easily because they underestimate the amount of work that will be required. They fall for the “make $100,000 in 6 months, working only 30 minutes a day” advertisements. These are obviously a bunch of bunk but people don’t find that out until after they have tried and failed with these systems. If people had realistic expectations, they might be willing to hang in there a little longer.

e. They Don’t Track Their Advertising: Not tracking your advertising is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make. If you have no idea where your sales are coming from, you will be unable to ramp up advertising at those places that are making you money and will continue to waste money on unprofitable campaigns. To avoid this, be sure to track all of your web pages and ads. You will be so thankful that you did.



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If you want to promote a program, an opportunity, a website or a blog that is related to making money online, MoneyMakerInfo is the place for you to do it.

MoneyMakerInfo gets about 1350 to 1500 unique visitors daily. About 95% of the visitors are from Google search engine. These Google visitors have real interest to know how to make money online. They are actively searching for money making opportunities, programs and information. The rest of the 5% are bloggers and webmasters.

Latest Stats:
  • Google Ranking: No 1. for the keyword 'Make Money Online' in Google.com and several other related keywords.
  • Alexa Traffic Rank: 49,554
  • Daily New and Unique Visitors: 1,400 in average
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125 X 125 Banner Ad
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$120/month, $65 for 2 week trial (Available)

468 x 80 Banner Ad
The location for the 468 x 80 banner ad is at the top within the blog post area. This means it will always stay above the first blog post of MoneyMakerInfo's homepage and each single blog post page. So each visitor comes to MoneyMakerInfo will notice the banner ad.

$170/month, $45 for 1 week trial (Sold)

468 x 60 Banner Ad
The 468 x 60 banner ad will display on the right of the header of this blog. Ad will appear on every page of MoneyMakerInfo.

$90/month (Sold)

Text Link
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$50/month (Closed)

Paid Review
This will be a blog post about your products, services, business or website. I will include two anchor text links and one image into your paid review post.

$85 per review post (Available)

To order an ad space on http://moneymakerinfo.blogspot.com, please send your banner ad, link and PayPal payment to:


All ads will be live on http://moneymakerinfo.blogspot.com within 24 hours of receipt.

If you have question on any of the advertising options or like to reserve an a spot, please email me at:


I will reply you within 24 hours.

Alan, keep doing what you're doing! I've been advertising on your blog for at least 8 months consistently and I've never done worse than breaking even! In fact I nearly always make profit from a simple 125x125 banner. Thanks for the great prices and highly targeted AND qualified traffic.

Rich Boy

I was pleasantly surprised with how much success I had using the Money Maker Info Blog for the advertising of my Affiliate Program. Alan did a great job and answered the many questions I had before I moved forward with payment. If you have a program that you want to promote to make money online then I suggest Advertising here for great results:)

Chad Timms
Tissa Godavitarne & Acme People Search Affiliate Program

"Only 24 hours after purchasing the review, I have 200 visitors, 15 new leads, and 3 sales to credit to Alan. This has been by far the most effective advertising I have purchased in growing my informational money making opportunity site. Thanks Alan!"


Hi Alan,

Just wanted to say my review on your site has been awesome. I've tried advertising on alot of blogs and yours has so far provided the best ROI by a LONG shot. I got alot of targeted traffic to the site and it really converted into opt ins so my investment will be paid for many times over.

Andrew Hansen


3 Steps to Making Money Online with Your Skill

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Your skill in a particular field can earn your cash from the Internet. The idea is to provide your skill to others who need it through the Internet for a price. There are numerous Internet marketers and entrepreneurs needing help, with the right skill you possess, you can help them solve their problems. There are also loads of Internet users interested to learn your skill. You can earn money by sharing your skill or guide them to do the thing they love.

Below is a 3-step process you can take to turn your skill into cash:

#1 Step - Find Your Skill
This obvious isn't difficult. You should already known what best skill you have. Skills that can earn you money those are that can help people save time, solve a problem, save money or save time. Some of the high demand skills now are:
  • Writing - article writing, copywriting, blogging and ghostwriting.
  • Web and graphics design - website building, blog theme design, e-cover design, graphic and images creation.
  • Search engine optimization - Building inbound links, optimizing website and etcs.
  • Technical - Programming, script installation, blog installation, tracking and testing.
As you can see, the above skills are directly related to Internet marketing and e-commerce. The e-entrepreneurs and webmasters often need them to get their problem solved fast.

For most other skills that has nothing to do with the Internet marketing, it is best to turn them into educational guide and offer it to a target group of Internet users who want to learn it.

#2 Step - Turn Your Skill into a Product or Service
If you do possess a skill related to Internet marketing, it will be profitable to start a freelance business specialized to provide your service to the e-entrepreneurs and web publishers. While doing your freelance business, you can also develop your paid coaching program or e-book product that will teach people to master a skill of Internet marketing niche. This can become an additional source of income to you.

For those of you who are good at office support (data entry, etc) or accounting, you may check out Guru.com, Elance.com and other freelance service sites for freelance works that suit you.

Even your skill has nothing to do with Internet marketing, it still can bring you online income. There are already a group of people searching on the Internet to learn the skill you have, you can just write a 'how to' e-book or guide and sell it to this target group of people.

#3 Step - Start Your Business
When you have your own products created or you are ready to provide your expertise or skill, it is time to plan and start your online business. A website is needed to launch your business.

Don't worry, it isn't difficult to get a professional website nowadays. Web designers are everywhere on the Internet. Just hire a good and experienced one through the freelance marketplace and your problem solved. Lets the web designer do all the work for you (from website building to setting up).

As you are selling a service or product, marketing will be vital to you. For a beginner who hasn't experienced much about web marketing and promotion, PPC advertising is a good choice. PPC advertising can give you instant potential customers at no effort. But, you will pay for each targeted visitor send to your website.

While your PPC ad campaign is running, you can spend more time to look into what other Internet marketing approaches to use for promoting your business. If you can come up with a marketing plan, that will be even better. The plan will clearly list out your goal, the exact marketing strategies to be used for achieving your goal with a budget of how much to invest in each marketing approach.


6 Tips of SMO for Internet Marketing

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Written by Aleluia Sanjuan

Internet Marketing is the process of promoting products online. Thousands of companies and small business are making their way to success in selling services or products through their website online. One of the most helpful Internet Marketing Strategy they used is SMO. It stands for Social Media Socialization, which increases the traffic ability of your website from social networking sites and receive high search engine rankings.

If you want to increase your ability to receive thousands of sales each month, studying SMO strategy helps a lot. The most important techniques you should consider is to learn more about the process. Here are some tips to help you:

Good Content
Learn to write content to help increase the knowledge of the readers. The title should be catchy and write content daily to help readers get update. Remember that no one will love to read non-sense content.

Social Networking sites
Your target market is social networking sites so you need to look for those with high Ranking. They are already searchable and have thousands of users so you can have the assurance of many visitors.

Target Specific Audience
Every Social Networking sites have their specific target of audience. You need to submit your content according to information like this content 6 tips of SMO for Internet Marketing, which can be submit to the following Social Networking sites:
  • PlugIM- is a Social Networking sites for internet Marketing topics. You can bookmark content, which you find very helpful for you.
  • Sphinn - is a Social Networking sites for Internet Marketing Professionals. It helps you to share your content and receive vote from other users.
Summary of the Content
Online Readers read very fast. They do not stop to look each of the summaries submitted to Social Networking sites. The summary of your content should be interesting. Never write summary with confusing information like “Internet Marketing: SEO and SMO”. The main purpose here is to give idea of the whole content, not to confuse the readers.

Make bookmarking and voting easy
Social Networking sites offer free quick buttons. You can put it on your content for easy access of the readers to bookmark and to vote. It helps to increases the popularity of your content. Remember that many readers need to have reminder because most of them forget it.

Reward Readers
Many readers will continue to read your content, if they receive important information and reward. Letting them to link in your site or allow, “Do follow” for their website whenever they comment is a good strategy.

Social Media Socialization provides big impact because everyone is receiving benefits. As the process of SMO continues, the ability of internet marketing will continue to be successful. Right attitude, Right Knowledge and Right Strategy is necessary!


6 Squidoo Traffic Strategies You can Used to Make Money Online

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Are you wondering why people keep on recommending Squidoo.com? Well, it is because Squidoo.com is one of the powerful and fast growing Web 2.0 sites available free for web publishers and marketers to make money online. Squidoo allows you to create web pages called lenses which can be posted with whatever content and information you want to share with the world.

By being part of Squidoo, you will be able to use Squidoo lens as the marketing tools for your online business. You don’t have to worry about the rules and regulations of Squidoo as it is perfectly OK to promote your affiliate products, business website or anything else you like to promote on your lenses.

To make your Squidoo lense work for you, the lense has to be attention-grabbing so that it can attract traffic constantly. Those visitors come to you lense not just will read your content but also will click on your affiliate links or business website to find out what you are offering. As a result, you may end up turning these lense visitors into paying customers.

Below are a few strategies you can use to attract attention and traffic:

Create an Impressive Profile
Building a Squidoo profile that appeals others isn’t very difficult. Squidoo lets you upload Youtube videos, Flickr images and much more. These features are great help for making your profile attractive. And the bio photo of your profile, make sure you upload a quality one.

Include Your Target Keywords
Your lense have the ability to attract search engine traffic. So, the content in your lense should contain your main keywords to let the search engines better understand what your lense is about and send you the most targeted traffic. But, don’t overuse keywords in your lense as this could cause your lense blocked by Squidoo staff.

Tag Your Lense
During the process of building a new lense, Squidoo lets you add a title and suggest some keywords. Those are actually your tags. For the entire lense to be effective, you need to tag your lense appropriately which means you should add tags (keywords) that are directly relevant to your topic.

Add in Interesting Images
If you browse on Squidoo lenses, you will find that most of the lenses have the similar format and look. This is a good chance for you to make your lense look unique and interesting. You can do this by placing images and photos to your lense. The images you use must be interesting and have a relation to your content. This way you will make your lense different from others, giving you advantage of drawing more attention.

Network in SquidU
SquidU is much like a bulletin board created for members (Lensemasters) of Squidoo to learn everything about Squidoo. SquidU can be very helpful to you as you can connect with people who know more than you. They can help you optimize your lenses, create attractive profile, and guide you on the effective way to use Squidoo to market your business.

Struggle to Become Lense of the Day
Every day the chief of Squidoo editor will pick a lense that stands out from the crowd and feature as Lense of the Day. The Lense of the day probably will experience a great increase in traffic and exposure. So, you may think about getting your lense to become Lense of the Day. I know this doesn’t sound easy, but you should set a goal to make it to Lense of the Day and struggle to achieve it. One marketer shares a method which is to target topics that are of current interest, such as Olympics. Big news items or clever lenses can end up featuring on the Lens of the Day in the Squidoo blog and gain a lot of traffic overnight!


4 Ways to Generate Income With Facebook

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Facebook has over 124 millions of registered users. It is a great social networking platform that can help you make money on the Internet. In this blog post, I will discuss four different ways to earn income online using Facebook.

Promote Your Own Products
Through your Facebook profile, you can market your products to other Facebook users. Since Facebook is a social networking website, you should only market products that are resonate with your profile, otherwise people will quickly see you as a marketer which will make you difficult to make new friends in Facebook. You should promote something that your Facebook friends interested. The product can make a difference in their lives or help them solve a problem. Example of products that sell well on the Internet are digital products such as e-books, music downloads, photographic content and reports.

Affiliate Marketing
If you don’t own your product, you may market other people product for a share of sale commission using your Facebook profile. Here again, you should only choose those affiliate products that resonate with your profile in Facebook. The simplest way to market your affiliate products is by posting your affiliate links in your profile. But, you need to limit the number of affiliate links included into your profile because too many offer links could make your profile look like a sale page and this will turn off people who come to view your profile.

Furthermore, you can offer a free gift or free resource on your profile in exchange for your target prospects email address. This way, you will gather their contact information legally and ethically where you can later send them your affiliate offers.

Offer Your Services
Facebook not just a good place to market products, you can also use it to sell your professional service. There are many services you can sell through Facebook. But, whatever service you are offering, make sure it resonates with the persona that you have built on Facebook. Some of the services you can offer are web development, freelance writing, consulting, one-on-one mentoring service, Internet marketing and so on.

Create Your Own Application
You can develop your own application for Facebook users to download and use it for their benefits of social networking in Facebook. One existing good Facebook application is ‘Introduce Me’. This application let people you know to introduce you to people they know in Facebook. This application is placed in profile. So, you can also contribute your unique and useful application and let millions of Facebook users to use it.

There are a few ways you can make money with your application. You can sell it immediately for a one-time profit. Or market it to have as many people as possible, and then monetize it to earn income. What are your choices of monetizing your application? Well, you can sell ad space within your application to potential advertisers, use the application to help sell your virtual items like ring, tones and etc; or promote your affiliate program for commission.

Developing your own application can be very profitable to you. However, you will need a group of experts to help you and you must have enough financial resources to back your project.


A Free Package of Money Making Information

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2 weeks ago, I told you about a guy named Glen Hopkins who is willing to give away his book titled 'Confessions Of An Online Marketer' that normally sells $19.95 on Amazon.com for free. The book reveals how the millionaire marketers make a lot of money on the Internet. If you have downloaded the book and read it, you should find something useful for your online money making venture.

Now, Glen has put together a new package containing loads of money making information and resources that will definitely help you make more money online or become more successful in your online business. The package includes:

* 6 Audio Recordings
* 5 Video Tutorials,
* 1 Best-Selling Book
* Glen's Million Dollar Resource Rolodex,
* Access To Glen's Private Inner Circle, and
* A Truck-Load Of Money-Making Information

The link to sign up this offer is http://glenhopkins.name/hrc. And the good news is the package is free to the first 253 people who sign up.


8 Ways You can Make Money from Affsphere.com

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Recently, Anik Singal from Affiliate Classroom Inc has officially released a new and unique article directory. Anik named this article directory Affsphere.com.

Affsphere.com isn't another ordinary article directory. It is an article directory that pays people to submit content. When you sign up and start submitting articles in Affsphere, you will earn ad credits where you can exchange for AdSense ads and affiliate links place on your article pages. You can also choose to use your ad credits to buy banner advertising on Affsphere. So, all the articles you published on Affsphere can earn you AdSense revenue, Affiliate commission and free traffic.

Anik put together two short videos to help you get started in Affsphere. The first video is here. It introduces Affsphere and explains how it works.

The second video can be access here. It demonstrates 8 ways to make money with Affsphere.


8 Important Things You must Do When Listing Your Product On eBay

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The way you list your product on eBay will have a direct impact on the success of your eBay business. Your product listing is pretty similar to your shop front, and your potential customers will decide whether to purchase your items based on the listing and description of your product.

To make your product listings effective so that you can sell your products smoothly on eBay, here are the things you must do:

1. Include the relevant keywords and search terms in your product description.

2. The titles of your product listings have to be attention-grabbing. You got to make the eBay viewers click your title link or your products will never sell. Thus, put in time and effort to learn about writing effective product listings titles. Take a look at your competitors successful auctions, see how their titles are written and take some of their good ideas.

3. The description of your product should be as detailed and accurate as possible. Let the potential buyers know precisely the condition of your product. Whether it is new or used, tell them honestly. Write about the benefits of your products; how they can help the potential buyers. Also list the features and functions of your products.

4. Never start a listing without adding photos or images of your products. If your potential buyers can’t see the items you are selling, they may leave your auction and go check out your competitors auctions which sell the similar items.

5. Make sure that you list your items in the most accurate category.

6. Give sufficient details about the shipping. Let the buyer know the cost of shipping and the estimated time needed to deliver the product. You should also provide a fast shipping option to meet the need of people who demand fast product delivery.

7. Some customers don’t want to pay with Paypal, so you should provide more payment options so that the customers can choose the payment option that best suits them

8. You definitely want as many people as possible to bid on your auctions. To do that, you’ll need to list your product at a low starting price.

Applying these tips to your eBay product listings, I’m sure they will help increase the amount of bids on your products and generate more eBay sales for you.


9 Basic Tips to Succeed in Affiliate Marketing

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You should have heard about affiliate marketing, it is one of the low cost ways to make money on the Internet. Anyone can earn income through affiliate marketing regardless of their experience in internet marketing, as long as they have the passion and patience to learn and work on affiliate marketing.

This article will provide you 9 important basic tips for succeeding in affiliate marketing.

1. Select a specific niche. Make sure that there are affiliates already making money in the niche as this indicate that the niche is profitable. Then join affiliate programs that are offering products or services appeal to the niche market. It is suggested not to join too many affiliate programs at the beginning to avoid losing focus.

2. Do research and investigation on the affiliate programs before joining them. You should only join rewarding and reliable affiliate programs. The products must be targeted to your niche market and in good quality so that you are able to promote and sell them with less refund rate.

3. You can promote affiliate products without a website. But, it is highly recommended that you build a niche website with interesting content focuses on promoting your affiliate products.

4. Create a budget for your marketing campaigns. Know clearly how much you want to spend on promoting your website and affiliate programs.

5. Traffic and conversion are the keys to generate affiliate commission. You will need to spend most of your time to learn and work on these two aspects. So, be prepared to work hard.

6. Your potential buyers often need supporting information before buying an item. You may write reviews about your affiliate products and 'how to' articles with your affiliate links included in the content. This is one of the effective ways to direct your visitors to your merchant's site and make a purchase.

7. For long-term profit in affiliate marketing, you have to build a list. Some of the methods you can apply to grow a list are offer free gift, free newsletters, free e-courses and participating in a give away event. When you have a opt-in email list, you can regularly contact your target prospects and recommend your affiliate products to them.

8. Your credibility is important. You should often send helpful and interesting information to your opt-in list subscribers. Provide your real name and an email address on your website so that the potential prospects know there is a real person behind the website and contact you anytime when they have question.

9. Most affiliate programs allow you to recruit affiliates under you (sub-affiliates). You will earn more commission if you grow your own network of sub-affiliates. If you have found a few hard working sub-affiliates, you can expect to share a steady commission from the affiliate sales generated by them.


5 Tips to Better Convert Your Traffic into Income

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Conversion is important to anyone who wants to generate income through a website. You must be able to convert your web traffic into revenue. If you run an e-commerce site that sells products or services, you are going to need to convert your traffic into paying customers. If run a niche content site or blog, then you must be able to convert your traffic into AdSense ads revenue or other sorts of ad revenue.

To know how well your website traffic is converting into income you can do a simple calculation to get the conversion rate of your traffic. Let say you are getting 1000 visitors daily and 10 out of the 1,000 visitors are taking action to buy a product on your website. The conversion rate is 1%. The simple formula for calculating conversion rate percentage is:

10 (Number of visitors taking a preferred action) divided by 1,000 (Number of people visiting your website) multiplied by 100 equal to Conversion Rate Percentage

Improving the conversion rate is the way to increase your sales, leads or income. The first thing you need to do is to review your latest month traffic stat and your sales or revenue report. Get the figures and calculate your daily conversion rate for 15 to 20 days. The outcome will tell you the range of your daily conversion rate (i.e. 1 – 2%, 2 – 4%) and how well your website have performed.

Once you get to know your conversion rate, you may start making the necessary changes and website optimizations to increase your conversion rate.

Here are some of the tips that will help you convert more traffic into cash:

Use Web Video
Adding a video onto your e-commerce website can make big difference in term of sales and conversion. A simple video introduction about your products or services can make you stand out from the crowd. You will simply make your visitors more interested to buy from you than your competitors.

Allow Product Return
Set a return policy or offer money guarantee back to your potential customers. As the competition of online businesses is fierce, there is a need to use these policies to maintain your conversion rate. And if no one is using it, you gain an advantage of getting more sales.

Provide more Quality Content
The content can be ‘how to’ articles targeted to your visitors interest or reviews on products or services. When purchasing online, people often need more supportive information before making their decision, so, publishing good product reviews and articles can encourage your visitors buy your affiliate products. If you are making money with AdSense, adding more quality content pages will probably convert more of your traffic into AdSense commission.

Adding Trust Seals
Make the visitors feel secure to purchase from you. The fastest way is to money to get the trust seals from BBB.org and Tuste.org. With these trust seals placed on your e-commerce website, your let your visitors know that you are doing real business and thus they don’t have to worry about whether it is safe to buy from you.

Collect Feedbacks
Ask for feedbacks from your visitors. You may use online survey to gather your visitors feedbacks. Place a link or image on the sidebar of your home page. The link or image will be an invitation to your visitors for taking a survey. The purpose of your survey should be focusing on improving your business to serve your customers better. So, whatever question you ask should be relevant directly to this purpose.


5 Reasons Why You Should Think about Making Money Online with Infoproducts

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Infoproducts aren't just about e-books. Anything that is a vehicle carrying information from the seller to the buyer is called infoproduct. This means infoproducts can also be newsletters, reports, e-courses, music downloads, audios and videos, software and etc.

Selling information products on the Internet is one of the modern ways of doing business. When you sell infoproducts on the Internet, you will enjoy several advantages that you will never find in selling physical products online.

It is these advantages that have become the reasons of so many people wanting to start their own infoproducts business to make money online. Now, let's take a look at each of these advantages.

Virtual Products
Infoproducts are virtual products in general. The customers obtain them through Internet download after payment. Some sellers did make their infoproduct into hard copy such as CD and DVD to make the customers feel that there are loads of quality information inside it. But you never have to do that because most of the infoproducts that sell well are in download format like PDF and Doc.

Since you don't need to convert your infoproduct into hard copy, you wouldn't need to pay for manufacturing, storage and shipping. This is a significant cost savings.

High Profit Potential
As you are selling a download of your infoproduct; the manufacturing process and inventory management aren't required, you will enjoy a very high profit potential for each sale. The only thing that will cut your profit is the Internet marketing cost. You probably need to pay for some effective Internet advertising campaigns to get your infoproduct sold.

And since there are no manufacturing works and stock management, you will have more time concentrate on marketing your infoproduct on the World Wide Web.

Easy and No Cost Product Delivery
Other businesses may need to charge extra for packaging, shipping and insurance. But in infoproduct business, your selling price will never be affected by these charges. The deliver process of infoproduct is fast and simple. Once your customers made payment, they will immediately be directed to a page to download your product. The entire order and selling processes are automated. So, this means lesser work to you.

If your e-book provide valuable information and people knew about it, they will pay to get a copy of your e-book. The satisfied customers will see you as an expert and recommend your e-book to others. They may blog about you and your infoproduct, start a discussion on forums and give you free backlinks to your infoproducts. These will build up your reputation and name as an expert on a particular field. Your e-book sales will keep on growing. And next time if you are releasing another infoproduct, people will rush to buy from you as you have established yourself as an expert author on the topic.

Worldwide Exposure
Infoproducts generally have a worldwide market. Let’s say if you are marketing an e-book teaching people how to reduce weight. Your potential customers are all those Internet users who have an interested on getting their weight down. They can be anywhere in the worldwide. As long as you can reach your e-book offer to them, they can possibly become your customers.


An Update on Google AdSense

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For those who haven't read Google AdSense blog since 18 Mar 2008, Google has introduced third-party ads on Google content network which means AdSense publishers can now display third-party ads. The third-party ads are ads from Google's qualified third-party companies such as DoubleClick, and ValueClick and a lot more.

Combining Google AdSense ads and third-party ads, it will mean more targeted ads will display on AdSense publishers sites. But, will the third-party ads help publishers make more money online? You wouldn't know until you test them. But, Google believes that they will result in increased revenue for many AdSense publishers.

If you like to optimize your site to display third-party ads, you may visit Google AdSense blog here and follow the instructions posted.


Affiliate Video Training - a Step-by-Step Blueprint for Making $6,643 in One Day

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Here is a link to access two videos that show you an affiliate marketing method that has been used by a college student to make $6,643 Clickbank affiliate commission the first day he used it.


The method has nothing to do with list building and online advertising. It is about using Google to send free and organic targeted buyers to different webpages of a site that promote popular Clickbank information products. I know getting a website ranked top in Google and receive free targeted traffic isn't something new. But have seen a website that can have several web pages rank top at the same time for different keywords in Google which generate affiliate sales commission?

This is what the videos is going to show you and they will provide you a creative link building technique which involves article marketing, Web 2.0 marketing and e-books marketing to help you make that happen to your website as well.


9 Quick Info Product Ideas You can Use to Make Money on the Internet - Part 1

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There are so many people wanting to make money online by marketing information products these days because there is a huge demand for information on the Internet.

However, creating profitable info product requires a lot of time and works. You have to possess deep knowledge on a topic, take the time to gather more information needed and be able to write. But fortunately, creating info product doesn’t have to be this way. There are many other easier and faster methods for creating a profitable info product. And with some of these methods you don't even have to be an expert on the subject that you'd like to create a product on.

Conduct an Interview with an Expert
One of the fastest and easiest ways to develop a valuable info product is to do an interview with an expert on the topic where you want to write about. Or you can interview several experts and put together all the interviews into one info product that cover different aspects.

To entice the expert accepts you interview, you would let the expert know the free publicity he/she would get from your marketing effort for the interview later.

Turn Existing Content into Products
You can just contact numerous experts to ask them whether they can submit their articles or reports on a particular topic. Then combine them into an e-book or an info product.

You would let each expert to include website links at the end of their articles so that they will get free web promotion. This is a way to encourage the experts so submit content to you.

Another idea is to borrow or reprints sections of existing e-book. Contact the product creator and ask permission for reprinting the content of the product in exchange for free marketing and promotion to them.

For example, if you have decided to use 'copywriting' as the subject for your info product, you may contact a few copywriting experts and request them to send you a sale letter they have written for a product. Once you got their sale letters, you can combine them into one collection of 'proven effective salesletters'. And that's it you have created an info product that can make you money.

Use Private Label Rights Content
There are many websites providing private label rights (PLR) articles, e-books and reports. Some are free and other charge a fee for downloading the PLR content. What you can do is to gather as many PLR products as possible then bundle them into a package and sell the package at a low price such as $9.99.

You can set up a sale page to market and sell your package and also post your offer on forums and ads site to get more sell.

To continue reading part 2 of this article, please click here.

9 Quick Info Product Ideas You can Use to Make Money on the Internet - Part 2

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In case you haven't read part 1 of this article, please click here.

Checklists or "Top 10" Lists

Create a simple checklist that people can use it as a guide to do something. For instance, you can come up with a 'travel checklist’ which travelers can use to make sure that they have brought everything they require before they leave.

Take some time to search for the information needed and do research so that you can create a useful checklist that people will want to buy.

Turn All Your Ideas into a Product
If you have a lot of ideas of creating products, you can write them down and then put them together into a report that contains a list of your creative ideas. This report will be helpful to those who want to create their own product, so you can sell your report to this target group of people.

Run a Contest
Example: If you plan to create a report about 'creative website designs', you can organize a contest and invite everyone to join your contest and submit their best web design idea. Ask them to give you the reprints rights for their submission.

After the contest ended. Combine all the ideas into one report or e-book.

Resources List
Find a popular subject, then compile a list of useful resources and turn that into a report or e-book. For instance: a list of drop ship wholesale companies websites, a list of article submission websites, etc. One report that provide a list of the social media sites are selling on Internet recently. The report costs about $8 to $10 and really generates profit to the seller.

"How to" Video Product
Most people prefer to be able to learn something in a way that they can watch and listen on how to do it. So if you know something well, you may go ahead and create a 'how to' video that records yourself while working on something. For example, you can create a video product that teaches others to use Microsoft Excel. Just record the whole process of using it and explain the feature people can use.

Offer Your Help on Incomplete Projects
Most informational product creators should have at least one unfinished info product creation project. You can offer your help to them with one condition. Tell the creator to give you a share on the profit if the product creation completed and ready for selling on the net.

Once you have your first information product created, it is time to launch it on the Internet and start marketing it to generate sales for you. Alternatively, you may include relevant affiliate links into the content of your info product and let people download it absolutely free. Work hard on marketing in order to get as many people to download your info product as possible, this way more readers will click on your affiliate links and part of them may be purchasing your affiliate products which will earn your sales commission.

And when you offer your info product free to people, it will have automatically become a viral tool that will generate free traffic for your website. People who love your product will spread their word all over the Internet.


5 Steps to Start Making Money Online with CPA Advertising Programs (Part 1)

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As you may have heard of cost-per-action (CPA) advertising, it is an online advertising model where the website publisher will be paid only when a visitor sent by the publisher to an advertiser’s website takes an action. The advertiser would have specified what action that the visitor has to take to qualify for earning. The action can be a sale, a lead, a sign up, etc.

To make money with CPA adverting program, you need a website or blog. You will use the website or blog to display CPA ads and make money for each qualified action your visitors take in your advertisers websites.

Below is a step-by-step plan to help you get started in making money with CPA ads.

Step 1: What is Your Topic or Theme?
For any money making method that needs a website, the first step will always be choosing a right topic or subject. Before you start building a website, you are going to need to decide a topic that your website will be focusing on. Some of the topics good for CPA ads are insurance, debt consolidation, mortgage loan, entrepreneur, Internet & home business and travel.

You don’t have to use any of the above topics if you don’t like any of them. You can pick a subject that you have a passion in. But make sure you are using a topic that is commonly known by the public.

Step 2: Create Articles and Content
Once you have decided your website topic, it is time to start writing content about the topic for publication on your website. You will want to publish articles and content that your targeted visitors interested to read. So be sure to do some online researches before start writing about your topic. Go to Google and type in several keywords related to your topic, you may find some writing ideas. Another site good for getting content idea is Ezinearticles.com. Just go to the deepest article sub-categories relevant to your topic, click any article link inside the sub-categories and you will be sent to an article page. At the bottom of the article page, you will see a list of most viewed article titles in Ezinearticles in the past 90 days. You can think about writing some of these most viewed titles as they can attract a lot visitors and readers.

If you aren’t able to write articles, you can pay others to create the content you need for your website by using the services of freelance writers through a freelance website like Elance.com or Guru.com.

Another option to get content is to buy private label rights articles and re-write them to best suit your website.

To continue reading part 2 of this article, please click here.

5 Steps to Start Making Money Online with CPA Advertising Programs (Part 2)

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In case you haven't read part 1 of this article, please click here.

Step 3: Create a Niche Website

There are a few of good web building software you can use to create a website. These web building software are designed to be very user-friendly. So you don’t have to worry if you don’t have the necessary web design knowledge and skills to create a site. These site building tools allow anyone to build a site without technical knowledge. Here are 2 good website building software available for you to build your own website:
Since you are building a niche content site, I would suggest you check out other sites that provide the similar topic and content to get some ideas on how you want your site layout, format and navigation sections look like.

You should also add a few pictures to make your site look attractive. If you can find some interesting instructional videos from YouTube and upload them to your site, that is even better because this will increase your website ‘general interest’ value.

Step 4: Drive Traffic to Your Website
Once you have purchased a domain name and web hosting package to launch your website on the Internet, you need to start generating traffic for the website as quick as possible. Those big CPA advertisers will surely interested to advertise on websites that can get a consistent amount of traffic.

To do this, you would use exactly the same techniques that most web publishers apply to generate traffic for their sites such as social bookmarking, article marketing, commenting on other blogs, forum positing and PPC advertising.

If you do want to use PPC advertising to get traffic, Bidvertiser.com may be a good choice to you. With Bidvertiser, you can get target visitors for as low as $0.08 per visitor.

Step 5: Join a CPA Advertising Network
A CPA network will typically contains few hundreds to thousands of CPA advertising programs divided into different categories where you can choose the most suitable CPA programs for your website topic.

Here are a few of the leading networks you can join in order to gain access to the CPA advertising programs available:
When choosing CPA programs in a network, try to register with those programs that offer pay per lead or per sign up instead of pay per sale because sale involves money being spent by visitors. It is much harder to generate income by creating sales for the CPA advertisers as compared with creating free lead or sign up.

If you are approved from applying a CPA program in a network, you can start placing contextual or other forms of ads of the program on your website instantly, and then of course you should increase your traffic-generating efforts to maximize the amount of visitors who come to your site in order to make the most from CPA advertising.

You CPA ads locations on your website are important to your success. You should place your CPA ads in different locations of your site to see which location gives you the most visitor clicks. Placing your ads within your content area is one the best ways to maximum your visitor clicks.

The more people clicking your CPA ads would mean the more visitors you have sent to your advertisers, and probably the more leads you will generate for your advertisers which mean greater ad revenue you’ll earn.


AdSense Tips from Google Helping You Improve Your AdSense Earning

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Google AdSense Optimization Team has written two blog posts last week about finding the reasons of your AdSense earning fluctuations and helping you respond to the changes effectively.

Both of the blog posts are informative and provide a number of useful tips.

The first blog post teaches you analyze your AdSense data by looking at the figures reported in your AdSense account so that you know what are the possible factors can affect your AdSense earning.

When you have completed your analysis and find out the cause of your AdSense earning fluctuation, especially if the fluctuation is negative, you will want to take the right action to improve your AdSense performance. The second blog post will give you the info you need to improve your AdSense performance.


14 Strategies to Make Your Resell Rights Business More Profitable - Part 1

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Resell rights products are products that grant the rights to the purchasers to resale them on the Internet and keep 100% of the profit made from sales. Resell rights products generally are info products such as e-books, reports, software and so on. It makes starting an info product business easier.

Most resell rights info products come with a ready-made sale website, once you have bought them, you can immediately upload every things to your hosting account to starting selling info products on the net.

Resell rights can only get your online business up and running fast and easy but, to make your resell rights products business a success, there are many resell rights strategies needed to be learned. Below are 14 strategies to help you out in order to make a lucrative income from selling resell rights info products:

1. Read the product's license so that you understand fully how you can use the product for your business. If you don’t know something, just send an email to ask the original product creator .

2. You'll get a sales page or sales website along with the resell rights product you are buying. Change and customize the sales page before publishing it on the Internet so that your sales page don't look like anyone else’s.

3. Add bonuses to the resell product you are selling. Make sure the bonus products are related to - but not in competition with the resell product. Giving bonuses will encourage your potential buyers place an order.

4. Build an opt-in email list. Maintaining a list is an excellence way to establish good relationship with your potential customers and getting them to buy your product. You may offer free gifts or free courses through website to encourage visitors to opt-in your list to get your free offers.

5. Use article marketing to promote your resell rights business. Try to write as many articles related your business as possible and submit them to well known articled directories like Ezinearticles.com, Goarticles.com and Searchwarp.com. If you can't write articles, you may find a freelancer writer in Digital Forum - Content Section to help you out. Don't pay more than $10 per article.

6. Run a Google AdWords advertising campaign for your product to see whether it generate sales for you. Check your competitors ads to see what profitable keywords they are using and target your AdWords ads on their keywords. Finding the profitable keywords of your competitors are quite difficult, but a free PPC tool called Hexatrack could help you out.

Also try to look for keywords that are related to your product but not yet discovered by your competitors. These keywords may send you low traffic but, since they are not popularly used by search engines users, the PPC cost you need to pay will be much cheaper compared to those highly popular profitable keywords.

7. Get testimonials for your sales website. The original product creator may have provided you testimonials but you want your sale page to be unique so that it is different from everyone else’s. You can invite some people to test your products and write a testimonial for you.


15 Tips to Help You Succeed in Email Marketing - Part 1

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Whether your online business is selling your own developed products or marketing affiliate products to earn sales commission, you have to work hard to connect with your potential customers or target prospects. One of the fastest and cheapest ways to communicate with your potential customers on the Internet is through email.

You can gather your potential customers email addresses by offering something free on your website to entice your potential customers to sign up your offer and give you their email addresses.

Once you got their email addresses, you will start connecting with them often to build up a good relationship and make your propects be familiar with you. This will build up trust and credibility within your email subscribers. And when you have done that, you can expect to make some sales every time you send out a sale email to them.

Writting effective and successful email does require skill and knowledge.You need to know exactly how to write that email that will get people to open and read and get your prospects to take the action that you want them to take. Knowing when to send it also matters.

Below are 15 tips to help you out with your sales emails:

1. Many research have been conducted to find out the best day to send email and the result showed that Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best days.

2. The word 'testing' is important in email marketing. You should always test your email before sending it. First, use a spell checker, then a spam checker, and finally, email it to yourself before you send it to anyone else.

3. Use targeted marketing methods when growing your email list to ensure that those who opt-in to your email list are your target prospect. It is worthless to send email to people who have no interest on what you offer or on your website topic.

4. Research found that people read a message approximately seven times before they will purchase something. So Don’t just recommend your product once – recommend it a few times.

5. Never send out more than one email per day. Depending on what audience you have, you may want to set to send email once or twice per week. At the same time, you don’t want your audience to forget about you. So never let more than a week pass by without connecting your audience.

6. You may send out old offers to your new email subscribers, as long as the messages that you write are not ‘time specific.’ This will allow you to keep profiting from your old emails over and over again, as long as they are still related. Make sure that you keep those old emails clean, and remove sales emails for products that are no longer selling.

15 Tips to Help You Succeed in Email Marketing - Part 2

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7. Your email will look more interesting and professional if you use HTML. However, A lot of email clients either don’t accept HTML email, or the email subscribers have set their client to refuse HTML. So for best result, it is best to stick with plain text.

8. Make thing simple to avoid confusing your audience. In each email, there should only be one of two actions to take. First, they can take the action that you desire, and second, they can close the email and take no action at all. Those should be the only two options.

9. Links will be included in your email body, so make sure the link you added in your email message is clickable. In most cases, the receivers will see a clickable link if you typed in a URL in your plain text email message.

10. Many people use web based email. You should too, for testing purposes. Test your email in different browsers, including Internet Explorer, FireFox, Netscape, and Opera. All of these browsers are free, and you can test them with any free email account.

11. You email message shouldn't be a direct sales offer as people don't like to be sold to. Make sure that the verbiage you are using is not a hard sales pitch.

12. You will want your propects to like and trust you. So make sure not all of your emails are designed to generate a sale. Try to send them valueable info that help them out solving their problems and refer them to free and useful resources, as opposed to always referring them to products that they must buy.

13. You want your readers to feel like they are your friends. In some of your emails, you should refer to real personal details about your life. This can be anything from referring to something cute your kid did to an interesting, somehow related, conversation you had with your wife. Mention your family members by name.

14. Avoid abbreviations, including ‘cyber terminology.’ While such things are fine in personal email to your friends, it really isn’t appropriate if you hope to build a personal relationship with prospects. Some people have no idea what those abbreviations mean.

15. Pay attention to how other people’s sales emails affect you. Open your email client, download your mail, and record your thoughts regarding what you were thinking or feeling as you read each sales email. This is a really enlightening exercise.

Email marketing is a world of its own, and the concepts that work and do not work are changing continuously as users become more knowledgeable. Be sure that you keep up with the latest email marketing techniques and strategies, and be willing to test new things. But, when you do test new things, only send the ‘test’ email to part of your list – not the whole list – to see how it works out.


4 Steps to Making Money with Clickbank Affiliate Products Using Bum Marketing Method - Part 1

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Bum marketing is very similar to article marketing. It is actually a variation of article marketing. Bum Marketing is really an Internet marketing method for anyone who wants to sell their own product or affiliate product on the Internet; or wants to get targeted visitors for a website, whether it is a squeeze page designed to get opt-in subscribers, a content based AdSense site, or a website containing a lot of affiliate ads.

Here’s a few sentences to describe how bum marketing works: You research and write keywords rich articles related to your niche, product, affiliate program or website; submit them to large traffic article directories and sites, let the search engines index them and send visitors to your article pages, then generate affiliate sales, get lead and opt-in subscribers or earn money from selling your own products.

Below is a step-by-step plan to applying bum marketing for promoting your Clickbank affiliate product and generate Clickbank affiliate commission.

Step 1 - Find Several Products to Market and Promote
You will have to look for several quality products to promote. One of the good places to find products to promote is Clickbank. To find out which products are good in quality and successful in Clickbank. You need to conduct some research. You may look at the gravity ratio of the products provided by Clickbank, high gravity of a product would simply mean it has attracted a lot of affiliates to promote it and indicate that it may be a good product. You should also ask the seller or merchant about the conversion rate of the product. A product with conversion rate of 4% is reasonably good. It means that for every 100 potential customers to the website, 4 of them will make a purchase.

When it comes to sale commission sharing ratio, you should pick products that offer at least 50-60% commission. This is to make sure you earn enough for your time, marketing efforts and costs.

Choosing affiliate programs that offer residual income is a great idea for earning steady income for long term using bum marketing method. There are still not many bum marketers taking advantage of promoting residual income affiliate programs that pay every month.

Here is how these programs work. You promote a product one time. A customer purchases the product. Every time they come back to purchase another, you earn more money. Promote a product once and are paid for as long as that customer stays as a customer. For example. If you promote a paid membership website and make a sale, you will earn that same amount of sale commission every month for as long as that customer stays as a paid member of the site.

Residual income affiliate programs have pretty good earning potential in the future. If you want a list of some good affiliate programs that offer residual income opportunities, check out this site:

Step 2 - Find at least 20 keywords for each product
If you can find more keywords, even better, but begin with 20 first to find out if the product will be worth it. You don’t want to spend a hard time writing 50 articles to promote a product but later then discover that the product is hard to convert into sales.

You may start off by writing 30 articles to promote a specific product. If you make no or very little sales, then you should look for another product. The great thing about bum marketing is it's a useful and free method to test whether the products sell well. If a product converts well into sales, then there is nothing stopping you from advertising with PPC programs like Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing.

To continue reading part 2 of this article, please visit here.

4 Steps to Making Money with Clickbank Affiliate Products Using Bum Marketing Method - Part 2

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In case you haven't read part 1 of this article, please visit here.

Step 3 - Write your keywords optimized articles

Now is the time to write your articles. You have found several quality products; you know they will convert if you market them right, so there is nothing stopping you from making a nice income except your willingness to write many articles. If you are good in writing, writing 30 articles for each product isn’t a problem to you. But if you are not able to write that amount articles in short period of time, you may follow what many other bum marketers did which is outsource your article writing work to others. Here’s a forum that you can find freelance writers:

Forums.digitalpoint.com - Content Creation

Many people offering article writing services in the forum for as little as $5 to $8 per article. To keep your cost down, I would suggest you pay not more than $6 per article. Here is a tip when hiring writers: Never pay upfront. Pay only when the articles are ready. Write the articles fast. Give them an action plan to use, top it off with an interesting author bio/resource box and you will probably generate sales.

Step 4 - Build your landing pages and submit your articles
Travis explains everything about landing pages in his free bum marketing method course, but what I've found to work even better then a simple pre-sell page or an opt-in page is to add content around the landing page. That way, visitors land on a page where they have relevant content to read before you go into a hard sell.

For example, you would want to send your article readers to a page of your site. This page would be a mini pre-sell page like Travis teaches doing in his bum marketing course. But instead of just having one page your visitors can click on and either sign up to your free opt-in list or click straight over to your affiliate sale site, on the left or right side of the page, you may include links to other relevant articles that your readers may be interested to read.

With this way, you are likely to make the most money from your bum marketing campaigns, but getting visitors to opt-in to a list is equally crucial, because you can always promote your product to them later by a sending email promotion.

This makes your website look like a resource or information site. Possible this will please your visitors. Visitors are more likely to click through the links you have when you have a website loaded with relevant content and information, not just a blaring sales page. Remember, with time everything gets old.

This is pre-selling at its best. Many people would not give their name and email address immediately just to obtain more information, so give your content and resources to them free frequently, and they will eventually want to give you their email address. There is already too much junk mail out there, so more and more people want something tangible immediately. They do not want you to bombard them with crap, so just don’t do it. Do as I say and make money the right way. Once you have created your landing page, submit your articles to Ezinearticles.com, Goarticles.com and other large traffic article directories.

When you have written more than one hundred articles and submitted them for publication on the large article directories, wait for several weeks to see result. If you find that certain products are doing really good, then put more focuses on these products by writing more keywords optimized articles for these products and publish them on article directories to generate steady sales and commission.


5 Tips for Running a Profitable Drop Shipping Business

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Drop shipping is a business arrangement between a retailer and a wholesale company. The drop ship wholesale company will take care of shipping, packaging and storage of goods. And the retailer will set his/her own prices for the products of the wholesaler and sell them on the net. When someone purchases an item, the retailer will pay the wholesaler and the wholesaler will ship the product to the customer.

The benefits of drop shipping are that the retailer needs not to spend money to buy stock from the wholesaler until a customer purchases an item and thus eliminating the need of product storage space and cash flow issue.

There a few things you must know and understand to ensure your drop shipping business are profitable. In this article, we will take a close look at these 5 important aspects to ensure you can start and operate a profitable drop ship business.

1) Product's market and profit margin
In order to make your drop shipping business as profit as possible, you need to find a product that has a good market and be able to sell at a price level that will cover your cost and bring you profit. So market demand and profit margin are 2 important factors that have direct impact to your drop ship business profitability:

Market demand - you need to find a product or a range of products that already have an existing group of people wanting to buy them. Your market need to be large enough so that you can sell many quantities consistently for long term profit.

Profit margin of each product - The product you are selling will provide you a good mark up in order to make your business truly profitable.

Besides that, you need to identify what competition you have. Find out how much your competitors are charging for similar product. You may need to lower your profit margin to survive in the market.

2) Your decision on what product to sell
When you just begin selling products supplied by your drop ship wholesaler, it is advised that you only pick a few products to sell. Also that those that you have chosen are related, or can be targeted and sold to the same market set. It is important that you don't sell every product you see in the wholesaler's product catalogue. This is to avoid losing concentration and to keep your cost down to minimum. And also you'll have more time focus on marketing to generate sales.

3) The reliability of your drop ship company
Drop shipping has become quite popular. There are many drop ship companies nowadays but not every one of them can be trusted. Over the recent years there have been many scams appeared in this particular industry. Avoid those people who offer to sell your a list of drop shipping companies details for a price about one hundred dollar. Unfortunately, many of these are middle men who portray themselves as drop shippers, and will then charge you much more than you actually need to be paying.

But, don't let these scams frighten and discourage you. Because there are still a lot of reliable drop ship companies you can use for your business. I have compiled a free list of real drop ship companies that you can deal with. You may access the list here.

4) Order and delivery
Some unexpected problems associated with back orders and returns may occur to your business. There will be situations where you find that an item that has been ordered by your customer is not in stock and so there will be a delay in shipping the item which leads to customer dissatisfaction. Thus, you need to discuss these matters with your wholesaler company to work out possible solutions to these matters. This will then provide you with answers that you can provide to your customer if such a situation happens.

5) Business license and trust seals
Since you are running a real online business that sell physical products to people, you are responsible to register your business with your county clerk. It is also necessary that you register with the Tax office so that you get a Tax ID to run your business smoothly and be prepared to file taxes annually. Be honest when dealing with customer and do not spam when marketing your business and products. Make your e-commerce site look professional and pay some money to get the "trusted seals" from websites like bbbonline.org and truste.org added on your site. Customers are more likely to buy from you if they see these "trusted seals" on your site as these seals will make them feel more secure and confident to make payment.

As long as you begin your business with an expectation that your business will be generating decent profit for you, then the chances are that you will automatically see an increase in this.


A New Way to Make Money Online with Bidvertiser.com

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In this new year, Bidvertiser.com has taken a further step to expand their pay-per-click (PPC) contextual ads network by offering a new way for bloggers to make money with contextual ads. It is called 'BidVertiser Ads for Feeds'.

With BidVertiser Ads for Feeds, you will be able to display Bidvertisers contextual ads in your RSS/ATOM blog feed and make money each time your feed readers click a BidVertiser ads. Besides that, Bidvertiser has also created several multiple-subscription feed widgets to help you publicize your new feed.

It seems that the BidVertiser Ads for Feeds is targeted for top 3 major blog platforms on Internet:
  1. Wordpress
  2. Typepad
  3. Blogger
If your blog is powered by one of the above platforms and like to test BidVertiser ads on your feed, you may read the ads installation instructions here.




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